We are planning a fun and fabulous feast of Louisiana fare matched with cocktails and great wine. See our charming grand hall can be– be-decked, be-jeweled and blinged-out in traditional purple, yellow and green Mardi Gras decor. Continuing in the Mardi Gras spirit there will be costume contests and raffle prizes!
Preservation and maintenance of a 103 year old building is challenging and costly and our aging lady who is in need of a freshening. Proceeds from this event will assist us in providing her with some needed repairs to her exterior and a brand new coat of paint.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of our mission and service with more than a century of citizenship behind us. Our FLWC members continue to remain fervent and steadfast in their commitment to serving our community while protecting and preserving our historic clubhouse so she can continue to shine as one of the last remaining significant landmark buildings in the City of Fort Lauderdale.
To become a sponsor, table host, and purchase tickets – please contact Mardi Gras Chair, Rebecca Solomon, at 954-471-6892 or rtsolo@icloud.com. Tickets are $50 per person. Limited seating. For more information about Fort Lauderdale Woman’s Club go to www.fortlauderdalewomansclub.com.