Montage, a monthly film series at The Pompano Beach Cultural Center, returns in August with Support the Reel. The program showcases four local black filmmakers and will be moderated by Emmanuel George on August 29 at 7pm. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door or at
Support the Reel showcases four thought-provoking films from local black filmmakers in our Tri-County region. These films, and the discussion that follows, will engage the audience in an open-ended conversation about art, history, relationships, policies and women’s rights. This event will be moderated by Emmanuel George, a Miami native who incorporated the Black Broward Film Project in 2018 and is a passionate advocate for history and community activism.
Emmanuel George was born in Miami’s Overtown district and credits his father with teaching him about Afro Caribbean history, African history and African American history. Early on, he became an avid documentary lover and wanted to harness his passion to support his community.
In 2016, Emmanuel conceptualized the “Black Broward Film Project,” a documentary series telling the past, present, and future of Black communities in Broward County, using film as a way to bridge the gap between elders and millennials.
As a member of the Cultural Arts Committee of Dania Beach, Emmanuel worked to help the rise of Art Tourism in Broward County. He’s worked with Al Huggins, the founder of “ArtNSoul” and on the “Sistrunk-A-Fair” exhibition. Emmanuel is also involved with the launch of Broward’s “Artistry N Soul Experience,” an exhibit of local black artists that pays homage to pioneers from Broward’s historic black communities.
Tickets and additional information available HERE.