Soft Skills: What Employers Look For In An Ideal Candidate
Broward County Library, in collaboration with Gang Alternative, Inc., is proud to present this soft skills online program to satisfy the need of Broward County residents as it pertains to employment. The phrase ‘soft skills’ incorporates a wide variety of personality traits, communication and people skills, social attitudes, and emotional intelligence. These skills are increasingly important for success in the workplace – and not just for those in management positions. Everyone can benefit from some focused training and development to help them realize their full potential. Participants will learn which soft skills are important and should be included in their resume to get and keep the job.
Eugenio Reyes-Bringuez is a Cuban native with over 12 years of experience in career development and business consulting. Through his work at Gang Alternative, Inc., Eugenio engages employers in Broward County to define their hiring needs and provides solutions for decreasing their turnover rates by referring qualified, skilled candidates. Eugenio is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator through the National Career Development Association.
Kelvin Taylor is a South Florida native that has been on a mission to help underprivileged and underemployed individuals develop their talents for almost 20 years. Working as an Employment Specialist with Gang Alternative, Inc. and certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator through the National Career Development Association, Kelvin has a unique responsibility for supporting individuals in developing personal employment goals, improving employability skills, and creating and executing career plans.
Registration and additional information available HERE.