United Way of Broward County’s Women United ― a powerful network of women confronting head-on the most critical issues facing the Broward County community ― will host the Read Across South Florida (to support the National Education Association’s Read Across America Day) to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday (the event will take place the day before Dr. Seuss’ birthday.) During the event, approximately 80 women will read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” to 500 students at Sunland Park Academy and Lauderdale Manors Elementary in Fort Lauderdale. The event will conclude with a classroom activity and each child will receive a brand-new copy of the book for them to build an at-home library.
Female volunteers are needed. Volunteers do not need to be a donor of United Way of Broward County’s Women United to participate.
A book drive is now taking place to collect 500 books before the event. The goal is to have one book to read to every class at Sunland Park Academy, as well as one book for each child participating in the event to take home.
Donations can be dropped off at United Way of Broward County: Ansin Building, 1300 S Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316, on Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or purchased online at: unitedwaybroward.org/rasf.