Opening Memorial Day weekend, Flamingo Gardens presents Dinosaurs Around the World: The Great Outdoors, a captivating outdoor exhibit featuring 13 animatronic dinosaurs that come to life with incredibly realistic sound and lifelike movements. (See Dino Locator Map)
Travel back to the time before the continents as we know them existed, when lush landscapes covered Africa and Antarctica was green! Grab your prehistoric passport and discover how land bridges, volcanic activity, and plate tectonics allowed dinosaurs such as T. rex, Spinosaurus, Hadrosaur, and more to disperse all over the globe, giving each of today’s continents its own unique selection of these giant reptiles.
Dinosaurs Around the World: The Great Outdoors is open daily to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for a limited engagement, May 25th through September 2nd, 2024, and is included in your admission. Tickets are available to purchase at Flamingo Gardens and www.flamingogardens.org. Be sure to explore the Dinosaurs Among Us exhibit in the Gallery and learn about the transition from Dinosaurs to modern-day Birds. Here are a list of events:
Featured Creatures Weekend – June 15 & 16
Dino Weekend – July 13 & 14
Back To School Weekend – August 10 & 11
Dino Closing/Labor Day Weekend – August 31, September 1 & 2
Quiet Hour with the Dinosaurs: Every Tuesday, Flamingo Gardens will open at 9am for Quiet Hour with the Dinosaurs. On these days, from 9am-10am, the sound and motion of the Dinosaurs will be turned off and guests with sensory sensitivities may wander the gardens with only the sounds of the natural background.
Special Dinosaurs At Dusk Movie nights are also being planned. Check back for dates/times/ticket information.