The City of Fort Lauderdale will host a Central Beach Master Plan Open House Meeting on Monday, September 30, 2019, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the 8th floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Fort Lauderdale neighbors are encouraged to attend the Central Beach Master Plan Open House Meeting to provide comments and learn more about the proposed amendments to the City’s Unified Land Development Regulations (ULDR). The amendments propose new regulations for the Central Beach that will be incorporated into the City’s code.
The intent of these revisions is to adopt code language that is easy to understand and promotes design solutions based on the context of each site. The open house will focus on those elements that guide the form of buildings and the pedestrian realm.
Discussion topics will include: permitted and conditional uses, dimensional requirements, open space, changes to the design compatibility point system, and approval processes. The meeting will be hosted in an open house format, allowing neighbors to stop by at any time during the two-hour period to participate and provide feedback.
For more information about the Central Beach Master Plan, please visit or contact Urban Design & Planning at 954-828-6163 or