Three upcoming beach projects will be discussed during this webinar:
Segment II
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has awarded the Segment II Beach Renourishment construction contract to Eastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC. The project is estimated to place approximately 387,800 cubic yards of upland sand along the shoreline, with 100% cost share by the federal government.
Plans, specifications, and bid details are available with the USACE Segment II Shore Protection Project bid announcement. Plans depict expectations of shoreline fill placement and potential construction access points. Construction will occur on beaches for which property owners have granted construction easement and, where easement has been granted, sand placement will be within the full permitted design template, above and below mean high water (MHW), or above MHW only, according to local beach sand needs and environmental concerns. Where construction easement has not been granted, sand will only be placed below the erosion control line, which defines the boundary between State sovereign submerged lands and upland ownership.
Segment III
Similar to the pending Segment II Project, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is planning a beach restoration project along the shorelines of Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, Dania, Hollywood, and Hallandale Beaches. This project is expected to place approximately 887,000 cubic yards of upland sand along the shoreline, with 100% cost share by the federal government. Where feasible, shore protective dunes may be placed as part of the project.
Segment III SPP plans and specifications are available with the USACE Segment III Shore Protection Project bid announcement. These plans depict expectations of shoreline fill placement and potential construction access points.
Sand Bypass
Staff has finalized the mitigation plan for the Port Everglades Sand Bypass project and received the final federal permit. Construction is anticipated to begin in June 2021. The Army Corps of Engineers awarded the contract for the south jetty rehabilitation on September 10th.
Additional information, including previous informational webinar recordings can be found on Broward County’s Beach Renourishment Website.